🦊 Fox sighting

We have seen a fox in our backyard for the past few days. Please keep your pets inside the house, if possible. Sighting was between 219 – 241 Smokerise Trace area. The animal can go through the standard fences. Sorry for the bad quality of the photograph. Unfortunately the light conditions were not good enough to get a clearer shot. I will post additional images if this guys shows up again. …

Please let your neighbors know to keep their pets safe as well.



This story is part of Businessweek’s Cities issue, a collaboration with CityLab.

As the school day ends at McIntosh High School in Peachtree City, Georgia, a flood of chattering teenagers flows toward the parking lot, keys in hand. A mini-traffic jam forms as the students hop in their rides and head home. It’s a scene one might encounter at countless high schools across the car-dominated suburbs of the US—except most of these McIntosh students aren’t driving cars, but golf carts.

With about 9,300 golf carts registered among its 13,000 households, this town 31 miles southwest of Atlanta might be the most golf-cart-friendly municipality in America. A hundred miles of car-free multi-use paths crisscross the town’s 25 square miles, and many shopping centers and public buildings provide dedicated golf cart parking. A cartoon of one of the little vehicles appears on the town’s official logo. “Golf carts really are our identity,” says Mayor Kim Learnard.

Full article can be found here: https://www.bloomberg.com/features/2023-golf-cart-kingdom/

Source: Bloomberg Website